6/14/2022 blog

On lifespans

From the start of a The Wall Street Journal column on lifespan:

“Lately, I can’t stop running the numbers on my life.

I calculate the hours I spend with my kids. I tally the nights I work late. I program my phone to monitor my minutes on social media (and then inevitably blow past the limit I set for myself.) On a recent, perfect spring day, I pried myself away from my computer for a run and, passing the elementary school my oldest child will attend in a few months, watching moms and dads stream out the doors holding little hands, all I could think was: Am I using my time right?”

The column reminded me of a slightly maudlin comment from a cubicle neighbor in a press room regarding religious belief that he only  believed, “you only get so long in this world.”

I prefer, “every day is a blessing.”