5/7/2020 blog

Just watched “The Lodge,” a new psycho-horror flick that seems to be based on the basic premise of “The Turn of the Screw,” namely a possibly insane female authority figure overseeing a boy and his younger sister. It was a good mood piece, the sadness of snow and all. The religious overtones may not be to everyone’s taste.

We don’t get snow here, only sand. But the sand still makes it possible to have a “White Christmas.” Non-white people have used “White Christmas” with me as a possibly ironic comment on racialist preferences. I hope it’s not true.

Not much else to say. Happy Thursday.

Update: they have red flags out on the beach again, but it appears to be a warning about rip-tide, not virus. I got caught in rip-tide once. It’s tough because you have to let the current take you out to sea for a while before trying to swim back. “Negative capability” is the phrase in literary theory.