6/25/2023 blog part two

Three poems

“Beats” by yours truly

Heard from a distant rental apartment neighbor
In our slightly “down at heels “complex,
Saying, “It beats living outside.”
I thought he was funny.

I have said before that
Sometimes fiction writing
Feels somewhat like stealing from real life.
I heard one person say one reason the fictionalist
Henry James had no close friends may have
Been because he used their conversation
For his stories, and they did not like it.

“Shell” by yours truly

Ode to a pistachio shell:
You can be tougher to open
Than three dates from Hell.
But the nuts inside can taste great,
If you can wait.
So wait.

“7” by yours truly

It’s almost 7 p.m.
In late June there is still sunlight at this time,
But I will soon be “pining for the moon.”
And perhaps hearing a tune.