Article response and a joke
From a recent The Wall Street Journal article:
“Serious scientists have not neglected the sauna, but many questionable health claims about it come from dubious research done decades ago. For example, there’s an oft-repeated claim that going to the sauna boosts your immune system and helps prevent colds in winter. The evidence for this comes from a handful of studies from the 1970s and 1980s that even a proponent called “mostly retrospective and poorly controlled.”
I am not a scientist, but it does seem good to me to put toxins out of your system through sweat, and if saunas help, good for you. I guess the problem is if you are on a lot of drugs or seriously alcoholic a sauna can also contribute to your death.
This is also an interesting issue to me because we seem to be taught from an early age that our minds are more important than our bodies. They are not. It is a balance.
A joke
“Item five on my daily check-list of things to do (or not):
Don’t masturbate!
It will ruin your physical and mental health and drive women into pornography.
Just be calm, drink lots of mineral water, and maybe read a book.”