11/13/2021 blog

On a pop song  and a forgotten poem

Recently watched and heard a cover version of “How Soon is Now” by Johnny Marr, who was the guitarist for the song in the 1980s for The Smiths. It is on YouTube, and was apparently done about a week ago.

His voice is good, and I think he is a great guitarist, even though Morrissey deserves the credits for the words and original singing. I have posted on social media that in my opinion this was one of the best pop songs in the 1980s. I heard it first in my teenage years at a friend’s house who had a good sound system. It had an almost physical effect on me.

Apparently. the band had an amicable break-up after a prolific time of about two years. Some famous bands don’t end well and even get into legal problems. Morrisey is an interesting poet.. He is apparently gay but kept discreet about it.  His writing appealed to many depressed adolescents at the time.

I had the idea for a brief poem but forgot it. There are two problems with brief poems: you can forget them really easily, and they can seem silly or bitter. Sometimes it is better to forget them.