On anger and a few new poems
Anger and wrath have been on my mind a lot lately, as you can tell if you read my social media posts from a year or two back. There is a popular saying that “if you aren’t angry, you aren’t paying attention.” And there was a line from the post-punk rock group PIL that “anger is an energy.” Anger can make you productive, but you need to be careful with it; it is like fire.
Well, it is negative energy, but everyone has it at some time, .”It’s in the way that you use it” goes a line by Eric Clapton, I think.
On another matter, I have just started a new fictional novel but feel a bit disoriented about it. The main premise is a man later in life who still has conflicted feelings about his father. My first three novels seemed to have more momentum and structure. I am not sure where this one is going for now.
Have some more brief poems but think I will leave them for another day.