10/19/2020 blog

“An ImPerfect 10; Film at 11” by yours truly

  1. If and When sitting in a tree / K – I – S – S – I – N – G / First comes love; then comes marriage. / Then comes If in a baby carriage. / Or is it When? Take a WhIff and decide.
  2. “You suck!” / “Yes, but I still like to f— / Guess I’m s— out of luck. / At least we have pluck. (Note: we should all feel lucky after each bowel movement; consider the alternative.)”
  3. There’s something I’m forgetting. / It’s that my vocation isn’t babysitting.
  4. Don’t say it if it’s merely witty, / Only if it also makes life pretty.
  5. Define Florida: Hellter Swelter (to me, but not my dear parents).
  6. “Child molesters can still have healthy sex lives.” “Yes, if they can have sex with children without breaking the law, getting castrated, or being killed.” (Disclaimer: This may not go over so well with some audiences. Not advocating pedophilia. Please take it in context.)
  7. She said, “I want a husband who is just like my Dad.” He said, “Why? Is Dad dead? I hear dead men don’t wear plaid, and I do. So good-bye.”
  8. It’s disputable / That we’re inscrutable. / We live in a house ill-reputable, / But if the noise gets too loud, it’s mutable.
  9. A gay manifesto: doctors used to consider homosexuality a mental illness because it was good for their business.
  10. If Thomas Mann’s wife Katia were mad at him in English: “If you say so Mr. Man…if that is your real name!”
  11. You don’t need to go, but Toodle-Oo anyway. Take a left to the loo.