7/4/2021 blog

Fourth of July thoughts

I don’t have a lot to say about the July 4 holiday. There is a famous play about George III, called The Madness of King George by Alan Bennet. The title character was of course king of England when the American Revolution happened and was quite insane. It was actually written by an English playwright. There was a film version.

Some think the American Revolution was actually a mistake, but eventually the U.K. gave up on empire almost entirely by 1960 and in Hong Kong by the late 1990s.

Imperialism doesn’t really seem to exist anymore. Some liberals say the U.S. is imperialist, but I think we just protect international waterways and mole-wack terrorists. I guess you could say the U.S. is culturally imperialist through Hollywood movie influence and big international companies, but that is a more subtle issue than actual government control of another country.