10/10/2021 blog

On social media and censorship

Had been planning on writing about a book today but just saw a TV media roundtable about social media and censorship. Last winter, I was censored for a few days, blocked, from social media for satirical expressions that were meant to be artistic but admittedly very angry poems.

Yes, poems and and other art can cause violence if audiences are already mentally ill. Witness the suicides that resulted from Goethe’s novel The Sorrows of Young  Werther and the violence that can result from porn and heavy metal music. Some time back, Ozzy Osbourne had to defend himself for a song that a family blamed him for causing their son’s suicide.

Social media is only a platform, and if people online don’t like what you are saying they can block you or disconnect from you. I am a bit cynical now and believe freedom of speech is over-restricted in this country. I know it is in other countries too.