11/24/2021 blog

On Robert Bly and two jokes

Read an obituary article in The Washington Post about Bly’s recent death. It remarks that he oddly (to some) wrote about male problems at a time when feminism was ascendant. I think the problem for men is just surviving, being moral, and frankly making enough money. He was also a poet.

From the obituary:

“Besides Iron John, his most noted prose works included The Sibling Society (1996), a critique of modern American society in which people — himself included, he confessed — often pursued instant gratification over loftier ends.

‘What I’m saying is that once we dismantled the patriarchy and paternalism, we didn’t get a matriarchy,’ he told the Times, ‘we got a culture run by adolescents.’”

Two jokes

“Full” by yours truly

Recording: “Sorry, my voice mail is full on this phone.”

“Full of love for me?”

Recording: “Yes of course.”

“PIN” by yours truly

“Will you sleep with me now? I have a user name, password, and account number that could get me in.”

“But what about your six-digit PIN? Six is enough for me.”

“Good. Sometimes I wonder about it with women.”