12/1/2021 blog

On Sunflower and residential environment

From the book of essays on forgiveness for the Holocaust and other atrocities: this is from the introduction.

The book is a series of essays about how to forgive but oddly does not include an essay from Simon Wiesenthal, who may be the most famous Jewish writer about the Holocaust in history and actually collected and published the book.

From the preface to a new edition of the book originally published in 1969:

“On the one hand time blunts memory; on the other time and awareness of the Holocaust has increased through education.” Sometimes you should not just “move on.” You have to deal with memory but put it in its place too.

On new residence

Sometimes I sit on a chair to relax on an outdoor porch area just outside my rental apartment to relax and get air. There are foothills nearby, so the air is cool (sometimes a bit cold) but the apartment complex is really big, has lots of cars, and seems a bit like a big hotel. My next-door neighbor is so far friendly.