3/11/2022 blog

Some poems

  1. “SPR” by yours truly

U.S. President:

“We have decided to tap The Strategic Pun Reserve to end this language crisis.

Puns will be flooding the market (if you have a dog, you may let it bark, and…)

The English language should normalize soon.”

2) “Mist” by yours truly

Mist on the mountains,

And missed on them.

Circulating fountains.

Here some sounds, and,..

Go to the grounds, and…

Founds, sounds; it pounds.

3) “Intelligent” by yours

“I hear you’re intelligent

But smell like a gent

When he has been too much drinking

And not enough thinking

And at other ladies winking.”

“Why not go back to your inking?

You are stinking.”

“Also feel a bit like sinking.”