5/9/2022 blog

More about Guyland and a poem

From the text of Michael Kimmel’s sociological book (page 274):

“I have encountered so many young people whose parents have run interference for them, picked up after them, and unjustifiably told them they were special–and who are now surprised actions have consequences to which they will be held accountable…”

This sentence reminded me of a therapist a few years back who accused me of being “a spoiled brat.” I was almost 50 when he said it, but he was right partly. I have been lucky at times in life but am not very wealthy, worked very hard when younger, endured repeated physical abuse, and am still an independent writer.

“Birds” by yours truly

Birds tweet.


Blow wind:

Old friend.

Tweets like words

From birds.

Recalling human words

And sometimes the herds.