5/11/2023 blog

Four poems

Sometimes poems gestate at night for me. It may seem crazy to you, but it is true for me. If you think the poems are irritating crap then just don’t read them.

1) “What” by yours truly

What is it men
Want from women?
“She moves in mysterious ways.” – U2
But they have a mysterious pull.
“The mysterious distance between
A man and a woman.” – U2 again

2) “Eight” by yours truly

Eight hours,
Supposed to be how so long you should work
They say, so they say.
But what does work really mean anyway?
Resisng gravity.
As best you can.
Best you can.

3) “Blank” by yours truly

Blank screen, blank screen.
Nothing more to say, nothing more to mean.
Just let the heart still ping
Or even sing.

4) “Out Part Two” by yours truly

“I will be out of the office.
Until blah, blah, blah.
Please leave a message,
So I can get back to you on
The fifth of Never.