7/21/2022 blog

On medicine

I just saw a foot doctor today. He was nice and professional.

But he said repeatedly that there was not much he could do for me unfortunately (my problem may be edema). He suggested foot braces and maybe Aspercreme/Lidocaine.

S. Beckett had a saying, “You’re on earth. There’s no cure for that.”

7/20/2022 blog

Sorry to post so late, but my Internet/TV coverage went out for some reason for about 24 hours,

i had on mind today different kinds of work. I am currently an independent writer and sometimes creative writer. But I rely on a local taxi company to do errands. They are good and provide something more practical than I do.

On another matter, I am sorry Joe Biden has cancer. He seems a decent man, even though I mostly don’t usually agree with him on politics.

7/19/2020 blog,,,

On new novellas and a new poem

I have a new novella done that is Tom Clancy-like but not released yet and started another about DC politics.

Here is a joke/ poem:

“Bored” by yours truly

“I am convening a meeting of the bored.

It cannot be ignored.”

“A question: what is bore times bore?”

“Not sure but run ‘coz hear comes a boar!

It could give you a gore.”



























7/18/2022 blog

On creative writing

I am having some trouble with my new novella manuscript about politics, because maybe the personal elements of it hit too close to home.

I don’t want to trash it yet. But it is a bit odd for an older man never married to describe a marriage.

The marriage part of the novella would be inspired in part by a failed romance in my youth.

7/17/202022 blog

Yet another brief poem

“Sounds” by yours truly

Sound all around.

(Somewhat it doth propound

Or even become profound}.

Sound of whirling wind

Like an old friend.

This is what I’ve found.

But sometimes it is like an angry hound.

Like a mountain, foothill, or just a mound.


7/16/2022 part 2 blog

On repetition

Have noticed I repeated some brief fragments in various fictional works.

My grad school thesis director said repetition was an important element of my thesis subject S. Beckett’s work.

One famous literary critic said of Waiting for Godot that in the two-act play that “nothing happens twice.”‘

7/16/2022 blog

A poem (actually written several weeks ago)

“Sky” by yours truly

Evening sky above foothills,

Seen from open air or window sills.

Nothing stopped us staying together.

Maybe the weather, maybe the weather.

7/15/2022 blog part 3

On continually writing fiction

Sometimes it can be painful. I understand in a way why so many fiction writers took their own lives at an early age.

“How long do you want to live anyway?” asked the leader of The Stray Cats in one song. But every day is a blessing.

You can always listen to music or maybe see a movie. Haha.

7/15/2022 blog

A poem

“Wires” by yours truly

Why are there so many wires?

Why not wireless?

Why are us?

Plugging into walls

And sometimes causing footfalls?

Wires and electric cords,

Sometimes it seems they are our lords.

Have a good weekend.

7/15/2022 blog

On delusion

I have tried to be honest on this blog, even if the personal disclosure has been awkward or indiscreet.

Here is another possibly indiscreet disclosure. I have been told by a psychiatrist that I may be delusional. One of my delusions is that I may have written successful but somewhat angry lyrics as a teenager put to music by a band.

I said to one psychiatrist that I may just have identified so much with some pop lyrics that I started to believe I wrote them. She seemed to nod in agreement.

I am not delusional now. Only “delusions to the past” as R.B. Sheridan wrote.