4/11/2023 blog

Three poems

“Place” by yours truly
If you don’t know what your place meant
Then you may need a replacement
And end up outside lying on cement.
What can I say but repent.
Oh, Sid the Kid,
You did what you did.

“Still” by yours truly
“Are you still sad and boring?” she asked.
“Boring?” he replied and added, “Have you had breast implants based on the scars?”
“No, dummy. Breast reduction to help relieve back pain. Another man said I was more attractive with my bigger original boobs.”

“You’re only a model, but this pop song is what a man visiting a prostitute he cares for feels like.”

“Pull” by yours truly
Pull her near you
As she comes nearer.
But do not fear her.
Let me make it clearer:
When she speaks, hear her.
And listen.

4/10/2023 blog

Three brief poems

“Chill” by yours truly
April chill
Against your will.
Endure it still.
Then obscure it, you pill.

“Long” by yours truly
Long books,
Awkward looks,
But please don’t stare,
And buyer beware.
Take care.

“Tape” by yours truly
Just put on the calking tape
Over the wound,
To stop the blood.
She broke no laws,
But her loss still gives pause.
You don’t really need gauze;
Hold the applause.

4/9/2022 blog

A comment on Easter Mass and a song
I don’t really remember the Easter Mass sermon very well today, but it seemed metaphorically to be about resilience. I had a grad school classmate who said religion is a myth. I don’t think it was meant as an insult.

On “Sometimes You Can’t Make it on Your Own.” This is one of my favorite U2 songs because it seems to be about a conflicted son-father relationship. The best lines for me were “A house doesn’t make a home…Don’t leave me here alone…You’re the reason why the opera is in me.”

4/8/2020 blog

Ten brief poems “Ten Again” Oops only left in seven because three seemed too weird and could have me beaten and tortured by police.

1) “Don’t” by yours truly
Don’t kill your sister Mr. Bill.
It would be against her will.
And she might kill you too, MacGoo.
Just gaze from the window sill
And be still.

2) “Particles” by yours truly
In my eyes, nose, and ears upon waking.
And nerves are shaking.
My Mom just called the particles “sleep”
And said it was healthy for a child.
But I am an old man now,
And it still happens.

3) “Coughing” by yours truly
Coughing in the morning.
Oh, the yearning.
Coughing, tears, and snot. Whatnot.
In the mourning:
So many years,
So many years.

4) “Let” by yours truly
“Let me into the warm blue water,
My lover, my daughter.”
She is floating, but you caught her
In the water.

5) “Taiwanese” by yours truly
Tie one on with ease.
Yes please pay for your new tie in Taipei.
The tie will make you more handsome.
And you don’t need to pay ransom, just a small fee.
I am not speaking of your ex-girlfriend from Tie-land.
She is gone now anyway.

6) “Wrong Place” by yours truly
The Uber driver left me in the wrong place.
A big apartment complex and a bit confusing; I don’t think he meant wrong.
It was the building a row down from my apartment.
She, way back when, decided what apart meant.

T.S. Eliot said something like time is only time,
And place is always and only place in a poem.
When I was a college rhetoric teacher,
I read one definition of ethos,
Which Aristotle considered the most important virtue,
Was to know your place.

7) “Endure” by yours truly
Endure it all,
Adore it all.
Pain ends.
We can still be friends.
Make amends.
You can still be in touch in a way.

(Note: poem four is not about incest. The word “daughter” is only meant as a term of affection in a normal romantic/adult relationship, like calling someone you like “baby.”)

4/5/2022 blog

Just a poem/joke

“Braids” by yours truly
They say women might wear long
Hair with braids
If they have small breasts.
But you are voluptuous.
Don’t you think you are overdoing it?
Not that I really mind.

4/2/2022 blog

On an Easter Mass and new poem

The pastor spoke after a reading from the Bible about Christ’s crucifixion. He spoke about striving to be Christ-like and has spoken in the recent past about trying to be God-like. We are not either of them really, but they can be models for us.

“Meltdown” by yours truly

Meltdown; don’t frown.
She had a pretty gown.
Cap and gown.
Gain some renown.
Just walk the town.
What’s reaped is sown.

4/1/2020 blog

just trying to get back to the new fictional novella now about US politics. I have almost all of the middle part done, but it needs organization. Chapters four and five still need to be written. I think the ending will be violent but eventually happy. The fourth chapter may deal with the main character’s love interests.

I spoke with a social media contact today from Central Asia about Atheism. I said I respect and sympathize with it but do not agree with it.

“There is a God, but he is not me.” said a buddy.


3/29/2022 blog

Two poems

“Cool Part Two” by yours truly
Cool air, Buyer beware.
Thousand-yard stare..
Always wear underwear
In the air from.
the trees.
Please don’t sneeze.

“Cough” by yours truly
Cough, cough, cough.
Life can get tough.
Are you enough for this stuff?
The police were very rough.
Had enough?

3/27/2022 blog

On nightmares

“Joyce” by yours truly
Had a nightmare
About James Joyce
Chasing me around a plaza square.
He had a full head of hair
But still quite a scare.

“Cool” by yours truly
Cool air, buyer beware.
If people don’t care, they don’t care.
Life can be a nightmare
In breeze from trees.
At ease, please.

3/26/2022 blogT

Today’s Church sermon was about Lazaras risen from the dead by Jesus.

I had a brief chat with a man at a social club in my previous city who said he was a “born again” Christian and sitting with his fiancĂ©.

I was anxious at the time and said Catholics are not born again, but there are bad Catholics and good ones. I was trying to be a good one.