7/3/2022 blog

On two matters

I think one of the difficult things about attending Mass is not always being able to remember what the Pastor said. however how wise and moral he was.

The other is on fictional writing.  In one way, it can be nice because you cannot be wrong. But you also wonder if anyone wants to read it and if it is too strange.

7/2/2022 blog


One of Tennessee Williams’ characters famously remarked on needing “the kindness of strangers” in a quite brutal play.

I thought of the quote today because a young man noticed I had left a heavy load of grocery store things on the floor/ front ground sidewalk after a taxi ride. He carried it up kindly., even though we don’t know each other.

But it really helped because I do have health problems. “The kindness of strangers.”

7/1/2022 blog

On college memories

In college, I wrote a pretty good history essay about Hawaii becoming part of the U.S. The premise of the essay was to pick one year in history and focus on that time. I had a Hawaiian dorm neighbor who helped me with it.

The second-semester part of the course, I tried to write in my final essay about “Vietnamization,” basically how the U.S. got out of the war. The teaching assistant did not like it.

I appealed the grade to the department chair in history, but he almost immediately sided with the T.A.

6/30/20202 blog

Two poems and a note

“Burn” by yours truly

You burnt my dreams,

So, it seems.

“So, on your feet use creams.”

Out there me seams angry teams.

All environment seems a pirate.

“Just keep quiet.

Don’t start a riot;”

“Sun” by yours truly

Sometimes the sun here is too bright

And the light comes into the window of your home

Like a malevolent gnome.

Sometimes I prefer night:

Maybe because I’m not bright.

A note

It can be hard to write middle parts of a narrative. The exposition about politics came naturally, but I have stalled a bit. I think the middle may be about the politician getting pushback on his ideas, and I am still unsure of the ending.



6/29/2022 blog

A poem and a note

“Loud” by yours truly

Loud birds sometimes outside my window chirp.

Can they also hear me inside sometimes burp?

Loud birds.

A note

I am trying to do a promotional video for my fictional writing, basically a number of novellas but am having technical problems with a new computer, so I may just go to audio for it.


6/28/2022 blog

On some memories

In my first year of high school I basically took ideas for an art and elocution class from others, and my classmates got a bit angry about it.

But in my second year of high school, I gave a pretty good in-class speech analyzing Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World novel, and many of my classmates seemed to have basically copied me, maybe as retribution.

Is imitation the sincerest form of compliment, or is it plagiarism?

6/28/2022 blog

On a song   and a bad joke

“Wait for Me” by Hall and Oates

I know I have ‘written several times about this pop group before and may seem obsessed with them, but I really like this song because it shows romantic longing with no misogyny.

“You’ve got a lot to learn, if you think that I’m not waiting for you.” Hall sings.

I wrote my dissertation largely on Waiting for Godot, and a younger grad student wrote it could mean waiting for something very sexually crude. I have  read “Godot” might mean “forever” in Gaelic.

I try to keep this blog mainly serious but sometimes get silly, and the poem following the song analysis may seem silly and/or lascivious.

“Rubies” by yours truly (and unruly… sometimes).

“Your boobies are better than rubies.”

“You, sir, have watched too many YouTubies.

Yes,  my rubies are nice and could suffice.”

“If it does not work at first, try thrice.”

“That could be nice.”

6/27/2022 blog

On university

I got an M.A. degree from University of Leeds in northern England. It was kind of a gritty campus in some ways,’ but the staff/professors were excellent, and my thesis paper director was very knowledgeable and helped me a lot.

I also liked the other students, even though I did not become lasting friends with any of them. Transcience.

Yorkshire Dales is also a beautiful environment, and I got to go on one date with a beautiful blonde English woman who kissed me sweetly but lightly at the end of the date.

6/26/2022 blog

On creativity

I have started a new novella now. And it is a bit odd because it is so far dialogue between a U.S. Senator and his senior staffer, and I am an introvert and basically a shut-in because of police brutality in recent past.

What creates fiction? Maybe an overactive mind.

But the novella would deal with serious political issues. I am tired of writing of personal stuff for now.

6/25/2020 blog

Another brief poem

“Scar” by yours truly

Scar chasm

Then spasm.

The space between us:


Accused of too much sarcasm,

But I think it is the scar chasm.